
Turnspit Good: Yet Another Liberal Atheist

Turnspit Daily

3 On Council Snub Atheist's Invocation - from TBO.com

We atheists simply must be more tolerant of people of faith.
3 On Council Snub Atheist's Invocation - from TBO.com: Half of the Tampa City Council walked out Thursday when an atheist spoke at a time usually reserved for prayer.

As Harvey, a member of Atheists of Florida, prepared to speak, Councilman Kevin White called for a vote to find a different person to pray or to skip the invocation that traditionally begins council meetings.

White, who cast the only vote for his proposal, said he objected to a "hallowed moment'' being turned over to someone to make a "political statement.''

"I [don't] have to sit here and listen to an atheist tell me what I should and shouldn't believe,'' Alvarez said.


Gersh is good: Another Liberal Atheist



Neal Pollack: Teabagger

Would you be an exemplary rock of celibacy, or would you squirt hot jizz into 100 willing mouths?
The Neal Pollack Invasion

A religious fanatic trashes Gould's memory with innuendo, unsupported suppositions and invective. I am sure he feels much better about himself now.

Via the Internet Infidels Newswire: Were We Fooled by Stephen J. Gould?


Pandagon: Finding Fear In All The Wrong Places

Pandagon: Finding Fear In All The Wrong Places
Bottom line is that terrorists can always attack. We're a big country with big borders and lots of material with which to do very bad things. The only way forward is to reduce the number of people who want to take advantage of our weaknesses. George Bush is determinedly doing the opposite; never have so many hated us.

Let me repeat this line by Ezra Klein:

The only way forward is to reduce the number of people who want to take advantage of our weaknesses.

We can't kill them all.  We have to change there minds.   And that's the exact opposite of what GWB is doing.

The Nation: George Scialabba's review of What's the Matter With Kansas? How Conservatives Won the Heart of America by Thomas Frank

How the Other Half Votes
Making money is natural, therefore innocent; thinking is artificial, therefore dangerous.


The Pledge by Allen Snyder

Makes sense to me
The Pledge, Part I: What The Court Will Decide And Why They'll Be Wrong
The Pledge, Part II: Time For It To Go


The stupid conservative argument against gay marriage

What this guy said.
Turnspit Daily: July 11, 2004 - July 17, 2004 Archives


The Politics of Piety




Matt's Beat-Off Page

Methinks the lady doth protest too much.

Hurray! We won!

"Why the Homosexual Movement Has Won" Posted by Athenae on Eschaton
Religious fanatic bigots despair.

The Bush administration doesn't give a shit about the AIDS epidemic.

When Do the Adults Take Over? Posted by Holden on Eschaton
Original article is here.


Save Roe: Flags Across America


Sadly, No!: Children in Iraqi prisons

Smugly, the U.S.A. claims moral superiorty on all things, yet our military does this. It's sickening. Sadly, No!: Children in Iraqi prisons


Physicians & Pharmacist refusing to prescribe & dispense birth control!

Via the RubberNun
Original article here.
This is so, so, so WRONG!

Lee Greenwood's "God Bless the U.S.A."

Michael Bérubé Online
Two verses and three choruses, and Mr. Greenwood couldn't find a single reason to love the U.S.A.? Yeah, yeah, I know, pride, pride, freedom, freedom: "I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free." But free to do what? To fire employees without cause, thanks to the at-will employment doctrine? To abolish the estate tax? To hold up a sign saying that Matthew Shepherd got what he deserved? Or to protest foolish wars, march for civil rights, and support the right of kids with Down syndrome to be educated in regular classrooms where they can go to visit Fort Robideau with their nondisabled peers? "God Bless the U.S.A." doesn't say, and that's what makes it such a perfect emblem of a certain kind of right-wing contentless patriotism, the kind of patriotism that supports the troops by flying flags from cars while supporting a President who leads the troops off to needless slaughter and then cuts their veterans' benefits. Had Greenwood said anything about that freedom– "I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free of all taxes on my estate of $36 million," or "I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free to fight for the right to register Mississippi's black voters in the face of murderous right-wing opposition"– one imagines that his song would be a good deal less popular.


Pilgrim's Progress? - John Kerry's dubious approach to religion. By Steven Waldman

More of that dreaded disease I call Amy Sullivan Syndrome (or ASS). Pilgrim's Progress? - John Kerry's dubious approach to religion. By Steven Waldman: "If Kerry's really secular, he's abnormal. "
What is it about religious delusion that makes believers into such self-satisfied, condescending, superior pricks? Why are you like this Steven Waldman?

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