The Baffler Magazine
The Baffler Magazine
Interesting publication founded by an equally interesting man who has a lot of good things to say, Thomas Frank. (This link takes you to Amazon.com, but if you like to support independent book stores, buy your books online from Booksense. Unfortunately, there's no simple way to put a link to the books in question on Booksense since it works through various local book store websites depending on where you live.)
Interesting publication founded by an equally interesting man who has a lot of good things to say, Thomas Frank. (This link takes you to Amazon.com, but if you like to support independent book stores, buy your books online from Booksense. Unfortunately, there's no simple way to put a link to the books in question on Booksense since it works through various local book store websites depending on where you live.)
Less than glowing praise for Amy Sullivan's brand of Theocracy Lite.
Where in Washington, D.C. is Sun Myung Moon?
John Gorenfeld is doing good work: exposing the ambitions of a mad man. Where in Washington, D.C. is Sun Myung Moon?
The Gadflyer: Political Aims by Amy Elizabeth Sullivan
Shorter Amy Sullivan: Non-believers need to sit down and shut up and if you're really good and let the religious run everything, we may not throw you overboard.
I hate to criticize Sullivan because she is on the liberal side, and I understand that she's trying to counter the disingenuous conservative hold on "family values". However, she never addresses just how atheists, agnostics, etc. would fit into her vision of the Democratic Party and America as a whole. Frankly, she leaves me feeling a little cold. Amy, what have you got to say?
Welcome Aboard, Mr. Brooks
I hate to criticize Sullivan because she is on the liberal side, and I understand that she's trying to counter the disingenuous conservative hold on "family values". However, she never addresses just how atheists, agnostics, etc. would fit into her vision of the Democratic Party and America as a whole. Frankly, she leaves me feeling a little cold. Amy, what have you got to say?
Welcome Aboard, Mr. Brooks
U.S. divorce rates: for various faith groups, age groups and geographical areas
U.S. divorce rates: for various faith groups, age groups and geographical areas: "Barna's results verified findings of earlier polls: that conservative Protestant Christians, on average, have the highest divorce rate, while mainline Christians have a much lower rate. They found some new information as well: that atheists and agnostics have the lowest divorce rate of all. George Barna commented that the results raise 'questions regarding the effectiveness of how churches minister to families.' The data challenge 'the idea that churches provide truly practical and life-changing support for marriage.' "
Oh Ricky you're so fine. You're so fine you blow my mind. Hey Ricky! Hey Ricky!
Tree of Life Web Project Home Page
Too fucking cool. Forgive me. I was a biology major in college and for some geeky reason I find taxonomy fascinating.
Tree of Life Web Project Home Page
Tree of Life Web Project Home Page
The Problem of Pride: Patriotism, Racism, and Flags
Of course, no one can make the statement "I am not a patriot" without being instantly and vicously villified today. However, read this and then tell me that saying "I am not a patriot" is necessarily a horrible thing.
The Problem of Pride: Patriotism, Racism, and Flags
Via Austin Cline at About Atheism.
The Problem of Pride: Patriotism, Racism, and Flags
Via Austin Cline at About Atheism.
American Values Turned Upside Down
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
The Morality Test: Results
The Morality Test: Results: "Check out my Morality! 83% liberal, 17% conservative"
Check out my Morality! 83% liberal, 17% conservative
Check out my Morality! 83% liberal, 17% conservative